New education policy 2024


The new education policy is the product of the Modi government. The new education policy does not include the 10 + 2 structure at all. The current curriculum in our nation, which is based on 10 + 2, will quickly change to 5+ 3+ 3+ 4. The Ministry of Human Resource Management has become the Ministry of Education in accordance with the policy. With the exception of medical and legal studies, education from preschool through secondary school will be universalized in order to reach a 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in school education by 2030.As a result, grades primary through two comprise the initial half, followed by grades three through five in the second, grades six through eight in the third, and grades nine through twelve in the final section.


The primary feature of the New Education Policy 2024 is its strong guidelines that can accommodate learners from different cultural backgrounds. By putting an intense focus on the development of global citizens with a foundation in local values, the New Education Policy 2024 aims to completely change the educational landscape of India and guarantee a better, more inclusive future for all.


Overview of New Education Policy 2024:


What is the article about

New Education Policy 2024

Who started the plan?

Indian government


Citizens of India

Purpose of the article

The principal objective of this policy is to universalize education and establish India as a global knowledge superpower.



Scheme available or not



The New Education Policy of 2024's objective

The National Education Policy's primary goal is to elevate India's educational standards to the highest possible standard in order to position the nation as a leader in knowledge-based sectors. The National Education Policy's plan for universalizing education helps to achieve this goal.


With the goal of improving educational quality and facilitating children's access to quality education, the government has amended the previous education policy multiple times under the New Education Policy 2024.


Comparison with Previously Policies

A comparison between the New Education Policy 2024 and the previous 10+2 system reveals notable differences in goals and methods. Here is a brief summary of the main differences: 



New Education Policy 2024

Previous Education Policy (10+2)


5+3+3+4; structure

10+2 structure


Personalized subject choices

Paths Limited subject choices

Holistic Approach

Emphasis on holistic development

Primarily academic focus

Experiential Learning

Promotes hands-on learning experiences

Largely theoretical learning

Interdisciplinary Focus

Encourages cross-disciplinary learning

Subjects taught in isolation

Technology Integration

Integrates technology for interactive learning

Limited technology usage

Assessment Methodology

Shifts to continuous evaluation, skill-based assessment

Relying on final exams

Teacher Empowerment

Prioritizes comprehensive teacher training

Limited focus on training

Equitable Education

Focus on providing quality education to all

Inequities in access


What is the structure of 5+3+3+4?


The 5+3+3+4 structure was unveiled in the New Education Policy 2024 as an updated educational structure intended to adapt and change the traditional learning system to better suit students' changing requirements. It places a strong emphasis on middle school, high school, secondary education, and foundational learning. The goal of this system is to establish a comprehensive learning environment.


Foundational Stage (5 years)

The first part, which lasts for five years, consists of a child's early school years. It consists of:

  • Three years of pre-primary education with an emphasis on interactive, lighthearted learning.
  • Grades 1 and 2 comprise the next two years, with an emphasis on basic literacy and numeracy.


Preparatory Stage (3 years)

Grades 3 through 5 are included in this three-year period. Subjects are integrated for a thorough learning experience through a multifaceted teaching approach. Right now:

  • Exploration and discovery are given more weight.
  • In order to encourage comprehension and application, the curriculum presents difficult ideas and moves away from memorization.


Middle Stage (3 years)

This group, which includes students in grades 6 through 8, goes more deeply into the topic:

  • Students are prompted to think critically as topics are examined in greater detail.
  • In order to guarantee that students obtain practical experience, project-based learning is implemented.


Secondary Stage (4 years)

The last section, which includes grades 9 through 12, gets students ready for their next steps, whether they are going to college or getting a job. During the period of these four years:

  • Students are free to select courses that interest them.
  • Real-world skills and competencies are prioritized, with an emphasis on holistic development.


In Conclusion:the 5+3+3+4 structure is a step in the right direction toward reorganizing the curriculum. It guarantees that instruction is smooth, integrated, and tailored to each learner's unique needs.


Some Highlights of New Education Policy 2024

  1. Multiple points of entry and exit for postsecondary education that are certified
  2. 3 or 4 undergraduate programs offering a range of certifications and exit routes
  3. Creation of a digital academic credit bank for the purpose of storing and transferring credits.
  4. A focus on e-learning to lessen reliance on printed materials
  5. Common entrance exam for higher education admission is provided by a national testing agency.
  6. Every district will have one multidisciplinary university by 2030. 
  7. All higher education establishments ought to aim to become multidisciplinary by 2040.
  8. India's Higher Education Commission, which oversees all aspects of higher education except law and medicine, is a single entity.
  9. The National Higher Education Regulatory Council, General Education Council, Higher Education Council, and National Accreditation Council are the four verticals that make up the Higher Education Commission of India.
  10. Equal treatment in both public and private education, with modifications for education of the disabled.


The New Education Policy 2024's features

  • The Ministry of Human Resource Management has been replaced by the Ministry of Education.
  • Education for all under the National Education Policy (medical and law studies excluded)
  • The new 5+3+3+4 educational pattern entails 12 years of formal education plus 3 years of preschool.
  • Beginning with class VI education and continuing through class V, vocational testing internships will be taught in the mother tongue or a regional language.
  • No streams in science, business, or the arts; students can select any subject.
  • Students begin learning to code in class VI.
  • Every school will have access to digital technology
  • E-content will be translated into local languages
  • virtual labs will be created. 


Challenges of New Education Policy 2024:

  • Infrastructure and Resources: In order to facilitate experiential learning, the shift requires sufficient infrastructure and resources, which can be difficult in rural locations.
  • Teacher Training: To provide educators with cutting-edge pedagogical strategies, evaluation techniques, and technological integration tools, thorough training is essential.
  • Assessment Evolution: Redefining methods is necessary as we move from traditional exams to continuous evaluation and skill-based assessment.
  • Equity and Access: Ensuring fair access to high-quality education for students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and places requires thoughtful deliberation.
  • Curriculum Adaptation: To match existing curricula with the new system, careful planning and resource allocation are needed. 


Committee for the Implementation and Review of the New Education Policy 2024 (NEP 2024)

The Ministry plans to establish an Implementation and review committee according to the direction of Higher Education Department officials in accordance with the National Education Policy 2024.


The committee will be in charge of assessing the policy's efficiency.

A task force will also be established to convert IITs into multidisciplinary institutions and the credit bank system. If there is a delay in carrying out this plan, district and state officials will be responsible.



The new policy intends to close gaps and difficulties in the education system and provide high-quality education to everyone, regardless of their financial status. 

The Indian educational system requires a thorough overhaul known as the New Education Policy 2024 in order to become more learner-centric, flexible, and inclusive. 


According to the policy, education should be approached holistically and integratedly, with an emphasis on fostering creativity and critical thinking as well as skill development and multidisciplinary learning. In order to improve the educational process, it also emphasizes the use of digital tools and technology.


All relevant parties—the government, educational establishments, instructors, students, parents, and business community—must work together and support the new policy's implementation process. 



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